By displaying our badge on your site, let audiences know that you stand with a community dedicated to preserving the integrity and quality of information in the digital age.

Working together means we’ll have a greater voice in important conversations with corporates and government to shape policy that supports and protects our interests.

Member benefits

  • Regular meets to discuss our industry, AI and its future
  • Government policy strategy and outreach initiatives
  • “100% Human” brand kit and assets available use on your publications
  • Promotional activities across our networks
  • Technical and educational resources

How to join


You must be a publisher of websites or content written by humans. You must also read through the 100% Human Member Promise.

Download the 100% Human Member Promise


You must view and adhere to the 100% Human brand guidelines. These guidelines have been created to help direct and assist with the usage of the 100% Human logo.


Join 100% Human
